A most beautiful view from a south end Salt Spring property. Looking southeast across the Swartz Bay ferry route, the Canada US border and the Olympic Peninsula.
Archives for December 2011
Salt Spring Winter Morning
Pre-dawn at Saltspring’s north end. There’s a certain beauty in a heavily overcast winter morning.
Winter Light at St. Mary Lake
Returning home from an early morning photo session, I happened upon this scene. It was cold, wet, and heavily overcast. But the low winter sunlight dramatically lit the trees on a small part of the shore. I was lucky to see this and even luckier to grab the photo. The point was lit for about a minute.
Many of you have chosen to have your Photo of the Day delivered via daily email. But the mailperson’s been on strike the last couple of weeks.
The good news is: the mailperson’s back and the automatic email issues have been solved. But you need to sign up again with this much more secure mail delivery service. So go ahead, don’t be shy!
Salt Spring Goat
Two old goats looking at one another. One into the lens, one through the lens.
Many of you have chosen to have your Photo of the Day delivered via daily email. But the mailperson’s been on strike the last couple of weeks.
The good news is: the mailperson’s back and the automatic email issues have been solved. But you need to sign up again with this much more secure mail delivery service. So go ahead, don’t be shy!
Grace Point Square
Grace Point Square in Ganges on Salt Spring Island in it’s Christmas finest.
Many of you have chosen to have your Photo of the Day delivered via daily email. But the mailperson’s been on strike the last couple of weeks.
The good news is: the mailperson’s back and the automatic email issues have been solved. But you need to sign up again with this much more secure mail delivery service. So go ahead, don’t be shy!