Islanders out for a stroll. Moseying down the middle of the road.
Archives for June 2015
Catapult Shenanigans
Testing day for some physicists At Gulf Islands Secondary. This team had a rather unique way of loading their machine (see pile of bricks on the left end). One team was able to toss a large water balloon about 90 meters.
Scary Stuff in Your Backyard
It’s somewhat terrifying when an accident with fire happens in your neighbourhood in the driest year on record. Quick response by neighbours, RCMP, Salt Spring Fire, and Hydro got this fire under control before it could spread on a windy day. The fire fighters were particularly impressive; a well oiled machine. Thanks!
If you live anywhere in the Gulf Islands and needed a reminder about how dry the Islands are, you have it.
Dinner at Beth’s
During an outdoor summer meal, these flowers caught my eye.