The kind of view that makes Salt Spring Island the place it is. I prepared this image for printing yesterday for a client south of the border.
Love this image? Gallery quality prints are available starting at $95 for a 12 x 8 size. Just note the image title or post address (URL) above and get a quote here.
Gorgeous! Hard to beat the Coast for beauty. I’m assuming you print your own, I don’t think I’d trust a commercial printer to do this job with finesse.
Thanks Paul.
The print quality and finishing detail at WhiteWall (whitewall.com) is top notch. But you pay for it…in US dollars. I have a 4′ print (from Pentax 645z) from them hanging in our house. Looks superb.
Wow! You do pay – definitely out of my league, I’ll stick with my Epson 3880. Even their photo books are beyond me, I use Blurb.
Stunning, yet peaceful !
Sunrises are often like that. But few of us see them ;-)