
Salt Spring Photographer John Cameron
Just adding a day doesn’t quite tweak the calendar; it’s still off by a few minutes. So, “leap years occur in years divisible by four, except for those divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. Confusing enough for you? In effect, that means that 97 out of every 400 years are leap years, including the century years 1600 and 2000 but NOT 1700, 1800 and 1900.”*
The image above is from a grade twelve student portrait set I did with Aina.**
You can see selected images from the shoot at johncameron.ca here.
* thanks for the math, history.com
* thanks for the leap, Aina
Saw the dress rehearsal for this year-end performance yesterday: great fun!
Show runs today and tomorrow at ArtSpring
Long time readers will know that for the last eight years my business cause has been the performing arts at Gulf Islands Secondary School (GISS) and the Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts (GISPA) at GISS. Incredibly talented ‘kids’ and amazing staff. Aina’s finished at GISS but we managed to get in a portfolio shoot before she headed off to Spain this week.
The photo above is a processed image (the digital equivalent of darkroom and printing).
This is a cropped version; in the version above I found the far right bump of the dress distracting. And a square-like crop more dynamic and engaging. In addition to the crop, this version has been further processed as a black and white image. In the days of film, each film had a ‘look’. This image has been processed to emulate the look of Fuji Neopan ACROS 100; grain and all.
Below is a closer look, a 100 percent view on the monitor and shows the detail that would be seen on a print about 30 inches square.
* see more images from Aina’s photoshoot
Photographs of Salt Spring Island and areas reachable by ferry and road (and sometimes off-road).