
Salt Spring Photographer John Cameron
More images from the rehearsal run-through are on the SD64 website
(coincidently this dancer was featured in this previous post)
This and twenty-one other beautiful faces can be seen in print form in the ArtSpring lobby during this week’s original GISPA* production. Be sure to have a look at this page, and in person at ArtSpring.
By the time you read this, the students will have put in a full day moving all the pieces to ArtSpring Theatre and creating the set. And some will still be painting the floor. Monday is for tech and dress rehearsals. And there may be a few tickets left for the show (Tuesday to Thursday, 7:30 p.m.)
(Don’t forget to have a look at the GISPA performer faces)
* The Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts, housed at Gulf Islands Secondary School on Salt Spring Island presents it’s twelfth annual year-end performance. Pinocchio—like the shows before it— is a “fusion of music, dance and theatre, collectively created, composed, and choreographed by the students and under the direction of Bruce Smith (music), Sonia Langer (dance) and Jason Donaldson (theatre)”.
It’s been a great two days of portrait shooting. Here’s the first finished GISPA performer image. The portraits will be printed and on display in the ArtSpring Theatre lobby at this year’s show. (April 19, 20, 21)
Performing Arts, including GISPA (the Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts) at Gulf Islands Secondary School is my business cause.
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music and GISPA) at Gulf Islands Secondary School is my business cause, and since it’s near the end of the first semester, there’s always lots going on. Last night I shot many hundreds of images of dancers moving quickly and unpredictably in the dark. Photography is all about light and it’s tough when there isn’t much of it. Can’t really ask the dancers to freeze during the dress rehearsal so I can get a better photo! Still, there’s bound to be 200 or so images that will work and the students will likely have many of them posted on social media before the day is out.
The students at GISS choreograph what they perform. Pretty impressive at the classroom level, and always pushing incredible at the GISPA (Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts) level.
This show runs two nights only:
Tonight, January 13th and tomorrow night, January 14th at ArtSpring Theatre 7:30 pm. Tickets are $12.
(check the SD64 website post for more images from the show)
Here’s the Press Release:
The youth of the Gulf Islands Secondary School (GISS) are excited to present their semester’s work of dance! The show will offer new works of choreography from the GISS dance studio. Included in the show is a great new R&B duet to Drake’s “Hotline Bling” starring Vani Engel and Kathryn Walker and a large group piece to Adele’s new hit song “Hello” choreographed by a group of advanced dancers.The eleven dedicated dancers in the GISPA program are also performing and will offer an exciting list of pieces. “Once Again” with music by Hang Massive is teacher Sonia Langer’s latest vehicle for teaching new vocabulary and offering a deeper understanding of the dynamics of swing and fall in the Limon aesthetic. “Existence” presents the GISPA group’s creation which depicts the emotional lifecycle of humanity as symbolized in the delicate cycle of an oak leaf. Taking inspiration from an ink and watercolour drawing by Rebecca Clark, the group worked together to create this mature work.
Photographs of Salt Spring Island and areas reachable by ferry and road (and sometimes off-road).