There were a few queries about last weekend’s ‘November Saturday Home‘. As promised, here a link to the Sotheby’s Salt Spring site for more information.
November Saturday Home
If you like the antics of Garry Oak trees, low bank oceanfront, a stunning home and five superb acres, this home has your name on it.
Guest Bedroom Number Two
Another quick ‘Saturday Home’ entry.
I was lucky to have a few seconds of sunshine to help showcase this room. Each of the guest bedrooms in this new home have lovely en suites. This home will soon be for sale.
I was lucky to have a few seconds of sunshine to help showcase this room. Each of the guest bedrooms in this new home have lovely en suites. This home will soon be for sale.
Helping out with the weeding we haven’t gotten to.
Silly bonus image:
Love this image? Gallery quality prints are now available starting at $95 for a 12 x 8 size. Just note the image title or post address (URL) above and get a quote here.
This puppy (a Rhodesian Ridgeback) arrived with our family visitors this weekend.
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