There are lots of rapids like this and some superb waterfalls within Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park near Cameron Lake (named after a well known Westie) on central Vancouver Island.
The River
The view out my ‘office window’ on a recent photography excursion. This was serious work (sturdy tripod, high resolution sensor and top-notch optics). And while wasted on a website photo, the image has incredible detail which will be visible in print form.
Though you could do this trip from Salt Spring Island in a day, I chose to stay overnight. My truck was parked only 7 metres from the rapid pictured above and about 15 metres from the two below. In the middle photo, you get a sense of the thundering waterfall. So thundering that I decided to move the truck farther away so I could sleep at night!
The colours of this crystal clear mountain water just needed to be photographed.