Gulf Islands Scorpions take on Carihi High (Campbell River) in a nail-biter; exciting to the last second. Nairn Howe would have enjoyed this game!
The Gulf Islands player (in yellow) did score on this play.
Behind the scenes:
Getting and choosing a fast moving sport is not as simple as you might think. Part of it is being ready, knowing the game, and anticipating what might happen next. So, knowing what and when to shoot. Then learning to use what most people would say was a crazy expensive camera—one that can keep the players in focus and shoot at a high enough frame rate to capture the peak action. In the screen grab below of six consecutive images, I started shooting when the player started to jump (it was very fast moving action and crowded; I could sense something was going to happen!) Sometimes one, but normally 2 or three frames will get me the peak action. Here it took six because the player made it through the crowd and got the shot. This all happened in…0.5 seconds. In the end I felt the 4th image was the most visually interesting.
In the photo below, gravity is about to take over…