2:45 pm, Late November, St. Mary Lake on Salt Spring Island
St. Mary Lake Shoreline
The northern shoreline of St. Mary Lake. The water—at least on the surface—is green. Why?
That’s one of the dormant aerators on St. Mary Lake. Meanwhile some mixing of air and water was going on above the surface.
How big are the aerators? This big:
(they were assembled in May 2011, in the parking lot of Community Gospel Chapel, and hoisted over to the lake by a massive helicopter)
Perhaps it’s just me (befogged?), but I’m a huge fan of this January’s fog on Salt Spring Island.
This is a colour photograph; the colours have not been adjusted.
Duck Race
Duck Race on a dark and rainy Afternoon, St. Mary Lake
Like a sailing race, the leader does not get bogged down with rules; it’s often much messier deeper in the paddling*.
*collective noun for a group of ducks in the water.