Just another cozy but stunning Salt Spring ocean and mountain view home. Can you picture yourself there?
Moonlit Evening on Salt Spring Island
A beautiful summer evening oceanside on Salt Spring Island.
Making an Entrance
The front entrance of another beautiful Salt Spring home.
Chocolate Island Outhouse
And there it sits. A spectacular little hand crafted outhouse. On Chocolate Island in Ganges Harbour. With a fabulous western view of the shell beach and islands into Ganges. Who knew?
(iPhone photo)
Update, June 27 from Roz:
Yes, it was built by Micah Booy. He spends a lot of time on Third Sister Island, & became disgusted by the way people pooped all over the place, especially as the island is private, but the owner, instead of putting up No Trespassing signs, lets everyone go there, hang out on Chocolate Beach, & walk along the path that goes from one end of the island to the other. To thank him, Micah decided to remedy the situation, &, with considerable effort, dug a hole, & built that exquisite outhouse.
First, he asked my husband, Patrick, who has built several outhouses on the island with those distinctive proportions, if he could use his design. (Mica is a friend of Patrick’s son). When Patrick first saw what Micah had done, he said, “He has surpassed the master!”
Hiding out on Salt Spring Island
This Salt Spring home is hiding out in an idyllic forest. We’re looking at one of three glass-fronted wings which look out to ponds and gardens and a magical forest of moss and ferns. Most of the Island’s homes are not visible from the road.