Heading home from a morning grocery run, this bundled-up cyclist grinds up the hill past the graphic yellow wall in Ganges.
Behind Country Grocer. A seasonal still life of sorts.
Heading for the Saturday Market
Salt Spring artists are hunkered down building inventory for the coming season. In a recent photo session, Sean Goddard wanted to show the way the light plays on the iridescent wings of one of his increasingly detailed bugs.
The Saturday Market reportedly starts on March 30th this year. Time to start staking out your downtown parking spot.
Magical Morning
A Ganges dock on another magical frosty morning. The fabulous blue light and perfectly calm water are exactly what I saw when I happened upon this scene.
*This image is straight out of camera (Fuji X E-1); no post-production/image editing tomfoolery here.
A rebellious and contrary Island cart.