One year ago, the world looked very different on Salt Spring Island. So don’t take those snow tires off just yet (that’s presuming you actually put them on…)
Here’s the post from one year ago today:
Yesterday snow was coming down and gently painting the world white. We sat around the fire, watched the Olympics and pretended it was a snow day.
Today, in our neck of the woods it’s a real live snow day with almost 30 cm of the heavy stuff, trees bending and occasional power fluctuations. Love it—a gold medal weather day!
I haven’t lost my mind, at least not permanently. I did a late night quick edit (too quick) on today’s post. The errant sentence has now been exorcised. And we’ll return to regular programming in tomorrow’s post.
That is my kind of weather!
And weather we get here only once every several years. Not cold, just beautiful.