One last evening at Long Beach, Vancouver Island.
Two dogs and their people, were the second last off the beach that night.
The last rays of light illuminate the thundering surf as seen from the Green Point area. Seems like few people experience this scene, after sunset, in November. (This photo was taken by the last person on the beach; it was completely dark by the time I got onto the forest trail leading back to the campsite.)
It’s hard to say how long this trip will satisfy the need to visit the west coast—but we’ll be back in the spring for sure!
always so evocative…the feel of the very end (or is that, “edge”) of the world?
Intensified when you are out there alone. I think its the combination of all the sensory input; the never ending surf sounds, the gulls and ocean birds, the feel of the wind over water and the smells of a huge sand beach.