This is a random post, a Friday flashback (the 1800’s), or whatever you’d like it to be. Just a bit of a change-up from the norm at Salt Spring Photos to see if anyone notices.
Above is Random Passage. Or, more accurately part of the movie set of Random Passage at New Bonaventure near Trinity, Newfoundland. Pretty much as far away from Salt Spring as possible while still in Canada.
Wikipedia says,
Random Passage is a 1992 novel by Newfoundland author Bernice Morgan… It is a historical novel about the inhabitants of Cape Random, a small outport where survival was dependent on catching and selling fish in exchange for supplies. It is set in colonial Newfoundland, over the span of many years.
The TV set was made for a mini-series in 2002.
We visited the area in 2005 and grabbed a few photos while out expanding our cultural knowledge of this country.
Gorgeous John! I love it!
I remember reading RANDOM PASSAGE many, many years ago… think I’ll make a visit to the library. Wonderful break in your daily food-for-thought. Thanks
And aren’t we lucky to have such a great library here on Salt Spring Island. Enjoy