Cowichan (left) and Salt Spring played a spirited match of men’s division 2 soccer this weekend. Cowichan came out on top by one goal. But the “off-island” referee, imported to put a lid on the scrappy scoundrels, was the real winner thanks to clear calls and yellow cards.
Volleyball Flight
Volleyball practice action as the Gulf Islands Secondary Senior Boys warm up for the AA Provincial Championships in Kelowna.
One Metre Sailboat in Gale Force Winds
An intrepid One Metre International braves yesterday’s gale force winds in Ganges Harbour on Salt Spring Island.
The IOM boats were last seen on Salt Spring Photos in June.
Secret Weapon
The women’s Div 2 team played the first half short one player, but held the Castaways to a 0-0 draw. Injured high schooler Ashley Swinton “couldn’t watch anymore and decided to play through the pain for the second half”. Big difference; lots of scoring chances and a 1-0 win over the Castaways. The Salt Spring women remain in first place.
Above, Ashley beats her check and surprises the keeper with a scalding low shot to the bottom corner to score the game’s only goal.
*update: in her next game Ashley scored 5 goals.
Soccer Powerhouse
The Gulf Islands Secondary Scorpion Sr. Boys take on Brentwood, a private school from Vancouver Island.