Did you know there were scenes like this on Salt Spring Island?
Rows of autumn colour in this Salt Spring vineyard.
Earlier in the year we saw this vineyard from the summit of Mount Maxwell. It’s in the bottom left corner on this page.
From the Deep
This is a rare sighting of the underwater creature that frequents the Grace Islet area.
A long exposure (32 seconds) gave the waves a soft, creamy look.
Rainforest Stream
With all the wet stuff coming down lately I thought there’d be more ‘rushing’ in this rainforest stream. But hey, we’re* just entering November, the start of the long dark wet season.
*(well those of us not heading south for six months of sunshine and sand… :-)
Sufficient, adequate, good enough. It’s a hard concept to come to grips with.
Is the evolution of the digital camera nearing completion? Are they sufficient for most use?
The low end compact cameras are pretty much gone; smartphones have had a lot to do with that. The bigger ’35 mm’ (full frame sensor) SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras are now seen by many as unnecessarily complicated and heavy to pack around all day. Enter the high quality ‘mirror less camera’: much smaller, lighter and often with excellent optics and resolution—sufficient for many professional photographers at a much lower price point than SLRs. Then there are the larger ‘medium-format’ digital cameras that tend to have much better dynamic range (images have more detail in highlights and shadows; closer to what the eye and brain see). A camera body and a few lenses can set you back 50K or more–much more. But oh my, they can provide gorgeous results in the right hands…
Upgrades to digital cameras at all levels come fast and furious. When is enough, enough? Are they now good enough?
Perhaps it depends on the intended use. What do you use your camera for? Where are your images seen? On a computer screen, blog, social media, email to family, or occasional printed in a family book from a recent event or trip? Perhaps your phone is now all you need.
The above photo was taken with an iPhone while looking down toward the wet ground, no tripod, in low light, during a dog walk— without having a clue about how to use the camera. I touched the screen where I wanted to focus and swiped at a line that popped up until the image looked right to me. Click. Done. Sharp and colour correct.
Are today’s digital camera’s sufficient for most use?
Umm…yes. I’d say we’re there.
2 more from the phone, both captured in fairly challenging situations: