A winter’s worth of artwork and revisions*.
A humble Arbutus leaf lying on the roadside.
I must have walked by hundreds of times.
But finally saw it yesterday.
* by Mother Nature, not me.
I made no processing manipulations to the image.
Salt Spring Photographer John Cameron
A winter’s worth of artwork and revisions*.
A humble Arbutus leaf lying on the roadside.
I must have walked by hundreds of times.
But finally saw it yesterday.
* by Mother Nature, not me.
I made no processing manipulations to the image.
It’s just a leaf.
I might have walked right by without noticing it last year.
But this year I find it interesting and special.
A September breeze sent maple leaves tumbling down to the mature face of Cranberry Road. This one was over the line.
Photographs of Salt Spring Island and areas reachable by ferry and road (and sometimes off-road).