A weathered boardwalk winds it way through the Sitka Spruce fringe on Canada’s west coast.
Gorgeous, even in light rain.
Two sided View Part Deux
7:10 am
The two-sided view makes another Salt Spring photo of the day appearance. Above is the NW view. Below, from the same spot, the SE view.
Botany Bay
A perfect morning at Botany Bay has the gulls standing around, watching the waves and pondering the ‘issues’ recently debated during the election campaign.
An Evening at San Juan Beach

Shot from the campfire chair…
Beach Tree
An experienced tree at the edge of the sand along Beddis Beach.
(Why is the background black? The morning light was low and harsh on this old Arbutus. I manually adjusted the camera to expose for the tree, not the entire scene. So the background—rocks and bushes already dark in the deep shade—is even more underexposed. And thus the tree gets all the attention. Which, of course, is the intention.)