Happy Summer 2015
With summer comes holidays and travel. And this summer there’s going to be a lot of it—on road and off—for the Salt Spring Photos team. The focus will continue to be on photos of Salt Spring Island.
But we expect there’ll also be a “heapin’ helpin'” of favourite photos taken while exploring the Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island and, hopefully, beyond. There’ll quite possibly be the odd day or two where we’ll be out of range, off the grid, and out of touch with the digital world. So don’t worry if a day or two go by without a fresh photo on this website. We’ll be back!
***AND for the few hundreds of you who are on the daily email list there’s a change. Your email notice from Salt Spring Photos will now be coming once a week. Yup, you read that right. I highly encourage you to visit saltspringphotos.com once per day to view the latest photo. Perhaps make a bookmark in your internet browser. In the weekly email will be a link that takes you to directly to the last seven issues of Salt Spring Photos. (Want to try it now? Just click here: saltspringphotos.com/blog )
If you’re not on the email list and want to be, simply sign up at the bottom of this website page.
Oh, one more thing. Above is the ‘Salt Spring Photos Mobile Research Vehicle’. It’s a Four Wheel Camper (Fleet model that fits our wee Toyota Tacoma like a glove). And it’s doing its thing here on Mortimer Spit on the Pender Islands. You can find out more about this pop-up camper at the Canada or USA sites.