A tug drags reluctant barges into the teeth of a building storm near Vesuvius.
The image above is a tiny piece of the original image. It’s a testament to the latest advances in digital sensors that this photo, taken in the dark from a moving platform, manages to shows details that couldn’t be seen by the eye alone.
Chip Wagon
In its private patch of morning sunshine, a tug towing wood-chip barges heads for the mill at Crofton on Vancouver Island.
Seahorse in Soft Rain
The most photographed boat in Ganges Harbour. Partly because it is so visually west coast and interesting. And partly because it’s tied up in a position that makes it part of everyone’s photos ;-)
It’s become an icon in the Harbour. It looks particularly good in the rain, in fog, and during a winter sunrise.
(searching below for seahorse or tug will find more images of this icon)